Digital Bootcamps for Social Entrepreneurs
Social entrepreneurs address societal problems in an entrepreneurial way, seeking to drive systemic change. In close coordination with our network partner Ashoka, the world’s largest network for social entrepreneurs, AdEx Partners organizes bootcamps to help social entrepreneurs master challenges in the areas of IT, digitalization, strategy and other transformations. Selected projects are supported with the expertise of AdEx Partners consultants for several months to develop and implement new solutions.
In 2020 for the first time, also student consultants from the umbrella organization JCNetwork e. V. participated in the consultation of social entrepreneurs. Hereby, the students were able to gain insights into the consulting activities, learn from experts and contribute to the development of solutions with their own unique perspectives.
For more articles on each year’s bootcamp, click here:
And here are the exciting projects we have advised in the bootcamps so far:
Voices of the participants 2023
Un-Label shows that everyone can have access to culture and brings together cultural practitioners from all over Europe – with inclusion and accessibility as achievable goals.
Mein Herz lacht e.V. is a self-help community for parents of children with physical, mental or emotional impairments. They provide advice and support to those affected.
The InteGREATer association is made up of young people with a migration background who use their personal educational biographies to inspire pupils as role models.
Leuchtturm Hamburg e.V. provides holistic support to families with premature, chronically ill and disabled children of all ages through socio-medical aftercare and specially trained professionals.
Social Impact develops infrastructures and projects to solve social challenges, including for professionals working in youth welfare.
School4Life is a charity dedicated to creating a better future for disadvantaged children in rural Kenya by providing access to education and working closely with Kenyan charities on various programs.
NourEnergy e.V. is an environmental protection organization founded by Muslim students living in Germany with the aim of raising awareness of environmental protection. NourEnergy is committed to the sustainable use of natural resources at various levels and develops concepts that include strategies and methods to promote sustainable thinking and action.
Retoura offers individual solutions for the returns management of online retailers. The focus here is on minimizing the environmental impact of retail by saving resources through the remarketing of returns.
myBuddy is a non-profit social tech start-up with the aim of promoting respectful interaction between all cultures. By combining contemporary digital formats and personal encounters, they bring cultural diversity to life for a broad civil society.
Shieldmaiden Cybersecurity
Shieldmaiden Cybersecurity is a non-profit organization that provides interdisciplinary and curative support to private individuals and public sector actors against all forms of cybercrime. They also offer training in psychological first aid.
European Women’s Management Development (EWMD) is an international nonprofit network with the main goal to increase women’s visibility and participation in higher positions in business and society. EWMD believes that quality levels of management can be increased and enriched through more female presence and diversity.
Advising on building a structured and effective corporate culture, using agile methods to work in a dynamic, healthy and competence-oriented way. Creating conditions for scaling the team and free spaces for effective work.
Micha Deutschland e. V. is a non-denominational network and the German offshoot of the worldwide movement/network “Micah Global“. Together they sensitize and motivate Christians for issues of global justice and sustainability and support the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Scaling the offering through optimal use of available resources with maximum social impact. Ensuring that knowledge is not only consumed, but also applied and implemented in a sustainable manner.
The Female Finance Forum creates a framework in which women can expand their knowledge of how to deal with finances and actively address the issues of money and security. In this way, the FFF contributes to tackling the problem of poverty among women in old age and thus to improving equality in society. Financial products are never sold. Instead, the focus is on education and creating awareness. The target groups are private individuals and companies that offer the service as part of their gender equality strategy.
Supporting digital transformation in the company, change management so that existing tools are better used by employees, and software selection for modern integrated enterprise software that meets humedica’s requirements.
Since its foundation in 1979, humedica has been providing emergency medical and disaster relief and is involved in development cooperation in over 90 countries worldwide. In addition, humedica is also involved in the field of health care aid as well as in long-term development cooperation projects. The aim of its work is to help people who have fallen on hard times due to disasters or structural poverty.
Beratung im strategischen und operativen Unternehmensaufbau eines Digitalunternehmens sowie Erarbeitung einer Organisationsstruktur und Ideenförderung zum Teambuilding.
MentalFit ist der Arbeitstitel eines StartUps im Idea-Stage für eine Bewusstseinsschärfung bei Arbeitgebern zu Work-Live-Balance. Das Gründerteam, bestehend aus einem Unternehmer, einem Softwareentwickler und einer Psychologin verfolgen das Ziel, eine App im Bereich Mental Health auf den DACH-Markt zu bringen, zur Ermittlung individueller Bedarfe im Bereich psychischer Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz, Psychoedukation und virtuelle Kurzprogramme, sowie die Vermittlung von (virtuellem) Coaching.
Optimization of processes from application to funding agencies to implementation and stabilization as well as search for a suitable software solution. Additional development of automated data models for important company key figures, accounting and project finances.
Tearfund Germany is a Christian organization for development cooperation and emergency aid. They are committed to a world without poverty and injustice, where all people are given the opportunity to develop their God-given potential. Tearfund Germany’s heart beats for the people of the Near and Middle East. Their expertise lies in building agriculture, water supply and promoting peace and education.
Changeover to a more scalable and efficient IT architecture, taking into account the multi-layered and complex interdependencies, and expansion of the digital range of services.
Acker creates knowledge – under this motto, Acker e. V. (formerly Ackerdemia) has developed the practice-oriented educational program GemüseAckerdemie. The annual program, which has won several awards, is aimed at schools, daycare centers and other educational institutions for children and young people. In GemüseAckerdemie, children learn where food comes from, how it is grown and how to handle it consciously. Because this knowledge is being lost more and more, and Acker e. V. wants to change that.
Analysis and creation of a roadmap for IT transformation, as well as elaboration of the IT landscape in the context of expansion and company formation.
Through their Generation Forest projects, investors can profitably invest in tropical forestry, combat climate change and achieve other impacts. Futuro Forestal reforests economically sustainable forests in Panama, which also contribute to the conservation of biodiversity, water and soil, and rural development.
Harmonization and further development of the software landscape incl. vendor selection as well as conception of new digital service offerings.
Talents4Good finds the best people for the most important jobs. They strengthen the organizations and companies that positively change our society – for an economy fit for grandchildren. As a social business, they place professionals and executives at all career levels with NGOs, foundations and innovative social enterprises, among others. They also aim to make meaningful work even more attractive.
Analysis of digitization needs with a focus on customer relationship management and analytics. Exchange of experience with external experts on the topic of increasing visibility and donations. Coaching digital / agile working methods and methodology to refine strategic positioning.
SOS Humanity (formerly SOS Mediterranee Germany) is a civilian European sea rescue organization founded in May 2015. Their vision is a world where every person in distress at sea is rescued and treated with dignity. They contribute financially to the operation of a rescue ship and also aim to inform people beyond national borders about the humanitarian catastrophe in the Mediterranean and report on the fates of those rescued.
Presentation of best practices and implementation possibilities of agile working, new software and team culture despite virtual collaboration.
HateAid is the only counseling center in Germany that exclusively supports victims of digital violence. They enable victims to receive free legal advice and support, and fully cover the legal costs for their legal action (civil suit). HateAid automates the filing of civil lawsuits with legal-tech case management, achieving fast and efficient scaling of the processes.
Process optimization, global expansion consulting and strategic planning.
The special control munevo DRIVE is a proportional head control for electric wheelchairs. The smartglasses-based technology enables people who can no longer use their hands to control their wheelchair hands-free, helping them to achieve independent mobility and more self-determination.
Development of a digital strategy for the managed online communities, including content generation. Improvement of internal collaboration through the introduction of MS Teams and Office 365. Better integration of networks and volunteers through an “ambassador concept”.
Väter gGmbH is committed to a society in which working men can also live in lively and intimate connection with their children. Together with companies, political decision-makers and social groups, Väter gGmbH works to ensure that children and careers are no longer in competition with each other – neither for women nor for men.
Development of digital solutions for the collection of self-reports from agricultural businesses and for the creation of sustainability analyses and balances.
Regionalwert AG is reinventing the relationship between town and country: a partnership that enables value-oriented management in rural areas, produces an intact and diverse cultural landscape, secures supplies for people, and provides a reliable livelihood for farms throughout the value chain.
Standardization of processes and introduction of tools for online collaboration.
euforia develops highly engaging event trainings that provide unique learning opportunities for young people and leaders. By calling citizen engagement cool, trendy and attractive, inspiring and “euphoric” opportunities are created that appeal to individuals and groups previously resistant to youth programs.
Institute for Inclusive Education
Development of cross-team server structure and data usage for simplified work management and better overview of dates and deadlines.
The Institute for Inclusive Education GmbH qualifies people with disabilities for educational work on their own behalf. As education specialists, they convey the living environments, needs and specific perspectives of people with disabilities at universities. In this way, they sensitize students as well as teachers, specialists and managers at eye level for an inclusive education system.
Switch from foundation funding to community-based fundraising strategy.
Das macht Schule gGmbH is a movement of teachers who implement hands-on projects with students, enable experiential learning and participation, and teach values and skills: Low-threshold, web-based, scalable – in all school types and grades.