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UN Global Compact Statement 2023

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AdEx Partners Statement on Commitment to Sustainable Development and the UN Global Compact Principles

AdEx Partners is proud to reaffirm our steadfast commitment to the principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption, as well as our dedication to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As we submit our UNGC report for the reporting period, spanning from May 2022 to June 2023, we are delighted to share our continued efforts and progress in creating a sustainable future.

UN Global Compact support emblem with globe and laurel.
We support UNGC

While we are fortunate to report that corruption is not currently an issue within our company, we want to underscore our unwavering stance against any form of corruption.

We are heartened by the growing movement within the corporate world, as companies increasingly prioritize sustainability. As a consultancy, we recognize our unique position to not only embark on our own sustainability journey but also support our customers in theirs. Leveraging our capabilities, expertise, and innovative solutions, we strive to guide and assist our clients in achieving their sustainability goals, amplifying our collective impact.

We are confident that together we can create a future that balances economic progress, social well-being, and environmental stewardship. As we move forward, AdEx Partners remains committed to upholding the principles of the UNGC, working towards the SDGs, and making a positive and lasting impact on our world.

Our business model is based on trust with our clients and trust shall be the basis for our commitment to sustainable development and the UN Global Compact Principles.

Large group celebrating in mountainous outdoor setting.
Group picture AdEx Partners 2023

On behalf of AdEx Partners

Ferdinand Weiss
Ferdinand Weiss
Stefan Rieder
Stefan Rieder
Joscha Markowz
Joscha Markowz
Timo Ströbel
Timo Ströbel

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