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In business transformations, companies often focllow either a product- or customer-orientation. While these might be adequate at times, they neglect the potential of a people-centric transformation

In People Centric Transformation, we acknowledge transformations focusing on people as a process entailing many aspects, such as employee experiencehappinessengagementperformance, and business outcomes. Our mission is to be your advisor through this holistic process and to ensure you do not lose sight of any of its aspects.

A revolutionary perspective?

Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients.

Ricardo Semler

While product- and consumer-oriented transformations might seem more common, people-centric approaches are not as revolutionary as it may seem. People-centric transformation requires organizations to see people as their most valuable asset, but it does not mean that clients or products are neglected. Transformations with people at the center prioritize people as drivers for change in other areas, such as clients and product. People-centric transformation is the decision to realize a change with your people – not against them.

Four essential steps to people centric success

Forming a transformation process around the people means putting special interest in their talents, needs and abilities. To align these with corporate strategy, our approach consists of four essential phases.

Transformations do not happen overnight but need thorough preparation. A clear strategy and mission need to be formulated.

Pain points and action areas need to be defined. Because transformations demand changes in the environment, it is important to gain knowledge about this environment, especially about the current situation of the purpose, leadership, and culture. After completing these steps, the transformation journey can begin and change can be implemented.

The people-centric transformation depends on the people being able to make the change. Therefore, challenging and demanding aspects and areas need to be identified and prepared. That way, people can be navigated successfully through the vast environment of a transformation. Only by knowing the people‘s needs, strengths and weeknesses and taking care of them, it can be assured that no one gets lost along the way!

The transformation can begin! It is time to implement what has been prepared in the previous stages. Here, strategy and preparation will pay off!

Improvement in these areas increases employee experience and therefore also engagement which shows in higher productivity, quality and loyalty to the company.

Engaged employees are more willed to take ownership and responsibility. Committed employees are the key to improved customer outcomes and business success.

People Centric Transformation has to be seen as the sum of many aspects

At AdEx, we are confident that people centric transformation has to be seen as the sum of many aspects. It is a hollistic approach that, when followed correctly, has been proven to be successful. To lead a people-centric transformation to business success, the workplace environment with all ist aspects needs to be considered, people need to be provided with a feel-good factor to increase engagement. Employees who are engaged in their tasks, work more efficiently and productively, resulting in better outcomes for the customers who are satisfied and loyal to the company.

We are certain that these aspects play a role in every transformation so that this process can be transferred to any case. As specialized advisors, we gladly navigate you through the process and help you lead your next transformation to success, with your valued employees on board.