Business models
In recent decades, the markets of e-commerce and the platform economy have emerged. Today, we are eagerly observing the development of the metaverse and the digitalisation of the analogue economy. Whoever succeeds in these markets is less and less likely to decide on products and services. Critical to success are the business models that serve the digital affinities of customers particularly well.
Every company should know its market opportunities, translate them into concrete business goals for the analogue economy, e-commerce and the platform economy, and define in its business strategy the ways in which these goals are to be achieved. The basis for this is to be clear about the future viability of one’s current business models. Only then can business models with future potential be designed in a more customer-centric way and business models with low future potential be replaced by new, promising business models.
»Business Model Transformation (BMT) is the management discipline that systematically evolves your company’s business model landscape to realise your company’s vision and strategy.«
Digital products, services and sales channels
Digital products and services offer companies the opportunity to become more competitive, to offer customers previously unknown added value and to open up new business areas.
Distribution channels that use digital communication tools, software and automated processes to initiate and conduct business play a significant role in this. The concern that these digital distribution channels could alienate companies from their target customers has proven to be unfounded. The opposite is true: digital sales channels intensify the customer experience precisely because customers want them in a digital world.
Operating model
A well-designed operating model is the lever to turn strategy into measurable results. To succeed in competitive digital arenas, large companies need operating models that enable them to address three key challenges.
Who is responsible for setting and implementing growth targets?
How can we close the existing competence gaps to realise our full potential?
How can we act quickly at the local level and use the lessons learned effectively internationally?
Transformation Check
Many companies initiated their digital transformation a long time ago. Then it is not uncommon to want to check from time to time whether you are (still) doing the right things and whether the roadmap still fits.
AdEx Partners has many years of broad experience in the field of digitalisation to assess the effectiveness of your roadmap. Whether you are at the very beginning of your digital transformation or have already implemented many initiatives, we start where you are.
Our support doesn’t end there. With AdEx Partners, you also have a partner for the implementation of your roadmap and its initiatives at your side. We support our clients’ digital transformation in programme management and thus ensure that a well thought-out strategy and roadmap are followed by successful implementation.
We accomplish this together with you – and even more:
- Analysis and definition of the market opportunities of your company and its business areas in all markets of a digital world.
- Deriving and defining your digital business strategy and that of your business units
- Tuning of existing business models for new revenue streams
- Developing entirely new, customer-centric business models
- Developing digital products, services and sales channels
- Building the operating models for your business models
- Checking the effectiveness of your digital transformation programme