Anchoring adaptable IT organizations
Short product cycles, increased customer demands, growing competitive pressure, and innovative business models constantly place new, ever-changing demands on organisations. However, the potential of IT for the entire company is often not fully exploited.
Especially in the context of increasingly digital business models, IT plays a fundamental role. However, it is not always up to the task and is perceived as a risk – cyber security -, a bottleneck – scarcity of resources and ability to deliver – or an obstacle to innovation – cloud, AI and digital platforms.
Building future-proof IT landscapes
The ability to react directly and purposefully to changes and to adapt is increasingly becoming a substantial success factor. The central pivot for digitalised, future-proof business structures is IT. While IT used to be more of an operational service unit with a focus on the reliable provision of IT services, it is now increasingly developing into an integral part of the value creation of companies. Digital platforms, digitalisation of products and service offerings and, last but not least, the dependence of efficient business and customer processes on information and technology make IT a core factor of corporate success.
The transformation of IT is therefore much more than just answering the question of how new technologies can be integrated into existing architectures. New methods are necessary and must be lived, learned and experienced in the company. Existing working models have to be rethought in the context of the merging of IT and business units. Agile end-customer-focused development, continuous change (CI/CD), adaptive scaling using hyperscalers, securing digital security and the comprehensive transformation of the IT operating model to a product-oriented set-up and shared value streams with the business units are just some of the challenges that modern IT organisations have to overcome. And not to forget: the employees. They shape the change, have to understand it and support it.
Meeting the high speed of change with automation and disruption
IT transformations are complex. Changes usually affect all business areas and influence the competitiveness of the company. Establishing technological disruption and the adaptation of internal IT to be able to react to current, foreseeable and as yet unknown requirements as an ongoing process is the main requirement for corresponding transformation projects. Basically, it is a matter of understanding IT as an inherent part of value creation and setting it up to be capable of change in such a way that it is the driver of the digital transformation of the entire company.
Changes in the IT organisation are often made selectively and without an overall view of the company – in many cases they do not lead to the desired result. Unaware of its capabilities and the increasing business requirements, IT is not managed in a targeted manner. This results in services that are considered insufficient or unsupportive by the business departments.
With our experience from numerous transformation projects, extensive technology knowledge and pragmatic approach, we support you from defining the new strategic direction to implementation. Without any commitment to specific technology providers, we stand by your side as a neutral advisor; our only commitment is your success.
Together with you, we will achieve this – and even more:
- Conducting an IT assessment to create the necessary transparency (such as, among other things, identifying potential for value enhancement, evaluating IT process maturity and IT performance, reviewing the application and infrastructure landscape, reviewing the project portfolio in relation to business needs, assessing whether the future requirements of the business units can be met by IT, etc.).
- Development of a new operating model for new products, services or market appearances
- Standardisation, automation and harmonisation of your organisation