Our AdExGo! initiative
In March 2022, it was finally time again: the starting signal for our second AdExGo! Initiative sounded.
From there on, we pursued a common goal: to cover 15,000 km by the time of our summer event, i.e. within 3 months, in order to donate 5,000 euros* to social organizations.
After the start, there was no stopping all participants, so that we reached our goal, the 15,000 km, already one week before our summer event in Croatia.
The crowning glory of our initiative was a group of brave bike travelers who cycled all the way to Šibenik. Hats off!
Promoting health
With our annual “AdExGo!” initiative launched by the CSR team, we combine sporting activities with a good cause. Especially in times of home offices and constant sitting, it is important to promote physical movements and a sporty balance. Because the health of all employees is particularly close to AdEx Partners’ heart.
In addition, our CSR team and the management are keen to support social organizations with our digital bootcamps, pro bono projects and regular fundraising campaigns. In this way, we face up to our corporate responsibility and set the right impulses to make a positive contribution to the well-being of society.
Not 5,000 but 10,000 Euro donation amount
*On the occasion of our tenth anniversary, we doubled our donation amount to € 10,000. Our employees were actively involved in the selection of eligible charitable organizations and the subsequent voting process. We donate our proceeds to the following organizations:
- 3,500 € to Aktion Deutschland Hilft e. V. – Emergency aid Ukraine
- 3,000 € to Brustkrebs Deutschland e. V. (non-profit association on the subject of breast cancer)
- 3,500 € to NABU – Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union Germany
The Federal Association of the Child Protection Association in Germany
Comprehensive Cancer Center Freiburg
Once again this year, our AdExGo! initiative was a complete success. In total, we covered more than 17,700 km through 8 different sports this year, exceeding our goal!
A thousand thanks to all employees for their energetic participation!
We are already looking forward to our AdExGo!3.0 Challenge next year!